Frequently asked questions
🧑🏽🍳 Restaurant Information
Have a specific question to ask?
Are you guys Halal certified?
Yes, we always have been.
You may search and verify our Halal status via MUIS website here. Enter ‘Dapur Penyet’ in the search field and click ‘Search’ under ‘Eating Establishments’.
Are you a franchise?
No. We are wholly and independently owned, and have been managed by the same Indonesian owner for multiple years. We love our boss and wouldn’t want it any other way.
We are NOT affiliated to any company or individual(s). Any affiliation to any other brands should have been removed or changed. Should you have any doubts, please contact our team at hello@dapurpenyet.com.sg.
Do you plan to offer franchise?
Unfortunately, no.
But we are open to business collaborations / opportunities - drop us a line at hello@dapurpenyet.com.sg. We will respond when we can.
Are you looking for suppliers?
We’re open to partnering with suppliers who provide quality products at reasonable prices. At Dapur Penyet, our priority is delivering exceptional value and quality to our customers.